Dashboard Overview Monitoring

Comprehensive Reporting Capabilities

Automatic Scheduled Reports via Email Delivery
Experience Makes Perfect
The Winwatch Nurse Call software program has been gradually developed for over 30 years from its DOS (Comwatch) system beginnings. The program is under continual development to ensure that it is able to accommodate the ever growing ‘wish list’ of Healthcare Professionals along with the dynamic ongoing development of IP and wide ranging Wireless technologies.
The manual and automatic reporting capabilities of Winwatch set totally new boundaries. This is particularly so for the overall and location/shift specific monitoring of staff performance. Likewise it allows the monitoring and maintenance of Resident Care-Plans.
Periodic and automatically despatched email deliveries of preconfigured reports also allows Head-Office specialists to manage and compare relative performance, not only of various Wings or Wards within a site but also provide detailed performance comparisons from each of multiple sites.

A Platform For Multi-System Integration
The ever growing quantity and variety of installed sub systems and pre-existing ‘Legacy’ system inputs being applied to a modern nurse Call system head-end is matched only by the similarly ever growing variety and quantity of required outputs.
This is accommodated by the generous selection of SmartCom Server connections and the Winwatch software’s ability to cope with existing and future connectivity needs.
Generating Reports
An important feature of Winwatch is the extensive range and flexibility of various possible reports. This for example allows both average and specific staff attendance response times to be reported for different locations for different intervals such as day and night shift.
It’s even possible to filter those reports to identify staff response performance during lunchtime or perhaps weekend and holiday intervals.
These reports can be manually generated and printed or automatically sent as a periodic emailed PDF or Excel formatted report to one or more destinations.
Reports can include a combination of location, person and events thereby allowing management to maintain and adjust individual Resident Care-Plans to suit changing circumstances of those aging and frail Residents.

Additional Optional Benefits
- Output displays to Wi-Fi, Paging, DECT, GSM, Vocera Annunciators etc.
- Single operating platform for all facility and outreach monitoring
- Low-care, high-care village and outreach ILUs plus OH&S
- Fire panel, doors, dementia wing, access control, surveillance & other sub systems
- Staff performance by location and duty shift or time interval
- Staff duress monitoring by location
- Monitoring of other systems and facilities
- Inclusion of middleware for wide ranging input/output system integration
- Highly developed reporting capabilities
- Proven performance over large number of sites
- 24/7 Help Line support
- Free generic software upgrades with remote access program
- Low cost, fully featured Nurse Station capability
- Interface with DECT, Paging, Vocera, Cisco Wi-Fi, Spectralink & 4G tracking
SmartCom Solid State System Server
The compact SmartCom solid state computer is ideally contained within the Head-End cabinet. It uses the latest fully established and therefore proven professional embedded Windows* Operating System in order to ensure optimum reliable operation.
SmartCom provides a large number of various input/output connections in order to accommodate even the most complex of installations. In this respect it can also optionally include an internally mounted 4G gateway for convenient external both-way SMS communication.
Built for exceptionally reliable operation SmartCom has no moving parts, no high-tension circuits and has extremely wide temperature range performance. It also operates from a cabinet installed 12v dc power supply or UPS source.
The choice of computer ensures high reliability resulting in an eleven year MTBF (Mean Time between Failure) certification.
SmartCom hardware includes an integral SQL server which not only controls the Nurse Call system but also accommodates control of RTLS, Message Centre Call Distribution and the Dashboard Display software modules. The ever-expanding demands of accreditation are well served by the on-going and ever-expanding enhancements constantly being applied to the software operating system within the SmartCom head-end hardware.