Smart Caller | Nurse Call System

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IP & Wireless

Nurse Call Systems

Nurse Call System provides a modern Ethernet based nurse call solution for high to low level nurse call,

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IP & Wireless

Nurse Call Systems

Nurse Call System provides a modern Ethernet based nurse call solution for high to low level nurse call,

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IP & Wireless

Nurse Call System

Nurse Call System provides a modern Ethernet based nurse call solution for high to low level nurse call,

IP Hardwired

Welcome to Smart Caller

Smart-Caller is proudly Australian owned and operated delivering Australian designed and manufactured products and plug-and-play systems to the Australian and overseas aged and healthcare markets. 

Being plug-and-play our systems are easy to install and maintain which is ideal particularly for the export markets.

Safe Life

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Monitoring Software and Integration

Public & Commercial

Building Duress & Emergency Call
Monitoring Software and Integration

Public & Commercial

Building Duress & Emergency Call

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