Smart Caller | Nurse Call System

Nurse Call Systems For Retirement Villages

Smart-Caller can provide Bluetooth technology RTLS (Real Time Location System) capability within its IP hardwired and ISM Wireless nurse call systems. Using the latest Bluetooth-Low-Energy (BLE) technology the plug-and-play beacon/location modules can be supplied within the initial call-point supply or (drawing on the “Future Ready” call-point designs) applied at a future date if and when required.

Cost Efficient

Very economical ongoing operating costs


Site wide coverage


Advanced on-site monitoring software or off-site monitoring available

Every Box

The ISM Call Point HUB which is typically located one in every ILU has power fail and low battery reporting along with routine automated test calls. The ILU Call Point nucleus allows for 4 short haul (50m) 304m wireless and 2 hardwired accessory device inputs in addition to its own backlit call button. The associated wireless devices may be a mixture of ensuite call points, portable pendants, smoke detectors from the Smart Caller range or any other device that can provide a closing contact alarm condition. 

The system can also be configured to accommodate Staff and Resident use of ISM long range wireless personal pendants.

All alarm calls are immediately identified at the computerised headend and the alarm call conveyed to the on-site duty carer and/or an off-site monitoring centre.

Other Applications

This ISM Long Range System is not limited to retirement village use. The system may be deployed on construction sites, schools, university campuses, commercial sites or similar locations where there is a need to send a call for help.